SIMED Physical Therapy is now providing Massage Therapy!
Massage therapy spans a wide variety of therapeutic approaches, working to improve an individual’s health and wellbeing through the hands on manipulation of muscles and other soft tissues of the body. Massage therapy can be very effective for conditions such as migraine headaches, back and neck pain, as well as muscle strains. Benefits of massage therapy can be seen in relief related results related to muscle tightness, spasms from postural stress and reduce post-operative adhesions. Positive benefits can include increase joint flexibility.
SIMED’s Massage Therapy at Physical Therapy offers several massage modalities to meet you and your loved one needs.
Massage Modalities
- Sport Massage
- Deep Muscle Massage
- Deep Tissues Massage
- Polarity Therapy
- Reiki
- Swedish Massage
- Thai Massage
- Myofascial Release Therapy
Schedule an appointment
Initial appointment is 1 hour.
Follow ups are 30 & 60 minutes sessions.
Most insurances accepted.